April 10, 2023
I'm not a hugger, but... 🌵
The world is a mostly terrible place, but at least we get animal cuddles as a small consolation. Regular readers know we recently had to say goodbye to our beloved cat, and ever since we've both missed him and the company of animals in general. While I'm not ready to take on caring for another fuzzy critter full time just yet, I have been fiending for some critter cuddles.
We found ourselves at a party Friday night with an exceptionally snuggly miniature poodle who only wanted to be in someone's lap and I was happy to make his evening. In recent days we've made plans to visit a pop up bunny cafe to get some rabbit cuddles and volunteer to foster animals for a local shelter so our creature cuddle withdrawal can benefit some beasts in need. None of this will stop me from accosting neighbors walking dogs or people hanging out in front of our local coffee shop with dogs. If there's a critter, I wanna pet 'em.
If you have a dog (or other fuzzy/scaly/feathery) friend of your own at home, be sure to give them some extra love today. I also highly recommend taking tons of video and photos of your animal's antics because sadly they don't live as long as we'd like and it's nice to have a lot of pics and videos to remember them by when they are gone.

Animal cuddles are basically nature's anti-depressants.
GIF via Originals
Want a few April 10th famous birthdays and historical facts to kick the week off? Here ya go:
• Born on this day: actor Charlie Hunnam (1980), R&B singer-songwriter Babyface (1959), actor Haley Joel Osment (1988), politician/newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer (1847), and actress/singer Mandy Moore (1984)
• The Netherlands legalized euthanasia for patients with unbearable, terminal illness on this day in 2001
• Paul McCartney officially announced the break up of The Beatles on this day in 1970
• The Titanic set sail for its first/final voyage on this day in 1912
• The US patent system was formed on this day in 1790
Alright! No new customer Q&A this week, but if you're feeling even moderately outgoing and would like to be featured in an upcoming Monday email (and are a customer with some Boredwalk tees, tanks, hoodies, towels, bags, or books to show off), just reply to this and let us know and we'll send you some fun questions!
We'll be back here in your inbox on Wednesday with some more random holidays to observe, historical tidbits to acknowledge, and fun links to entertaining content! Until next time...
Peace, love, and animal cuddles,
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