January 23, 2023

✍️ Take note!


My penmanship has always been kind of a disgrace and at this point my handwriting muscles cramp after a few sentences, but I think we can all agree it's a necessary skill. The last thing you want is to be stranded on a deserted island with no ability to scrawl an SOS in the sand.

One place you can practice your penmanship is our adult activity book, Adventures in the Abyss.
If you're trying to spend less time staring at a screen in 2023, it's also a perfect diversion for that. If you have not yet ordered a copy, here's your sign that you need one!
Is this a sign? GIF

Only if you order the book up there. Otherwise it's just a GIF.

GIF via Alayna Joy

Want a few January 23rd famous birthdays and historical facts? Here are a few...
• On this day in 1957, American inventor Walter Frederick Morrison sold the rights to his flying disc to the Wham-O toy company, which later renamed it the "Frisbee"

• On this day in 1986 the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted its first members: Little Richard, Chuck Berry, James Brown, Ray Charles, Sam Cooke, Fats Domino, The Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley
• On this day in 1997 Madeleine Albright became the first woman to serve as United States Secretary of State
Have a slice of birthday cake in honor of: Belgian jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt (1910),  singer-songwriter Anita Pointer of Pointer Sisters fame (1948), actor and MacGyver star Richard Dean Anderson (1950), Cheap Trick singer/guitarist Robin Zander (1953), actress Tiffani Amber Thiessen of Saved By The Bell fame (1974), and Death Cab For Cutie bassist Nick Harmer (1975)
Pour one out for:

• Irish brewer and Guinness founder Arthur Guinness, who pulled his last pint this day in 1803

• French engraver and illustrator Gustave Doré, whose proto-goth wood engravings made the world a scarier place (in a good way)

• Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, who screamed his way into oblivion on this day in 1944
• American entertain & activist Paul Robeson, who sang his last song this day in 1976

• Spanish painter & sculptor Salvador Dalí, who melted his last timepiece this day in 1989
Alright! Scroll on down to learn a bit about fellow Boredwalk fan Michelle! If you'd like to be featured in an upcoming Monday email (and are a customer with some Boredwalk tees, tanks, hoodies, towels, bags, or books to show off), just reply to this and let us know, and we'll send you some fun questions to answer (along with our undying gratitude)!
We'll be back here in your inbox on Wednesday with some more random holidays to observe, historical tidbits to acknowledge, and fun links to entertaining content! Until next time...
Peace, love, and analog entertainment,
Michelle gets ready to let it all out with her Grievance Journal.

1. What's your actual day job and what's your dream day job?
Day job: medical student
Dream job: wine sommelier or prima ballerina
2. What's your biggest pet peeve?
Animals dressed as people! Wait no, that's Monica's pet peeve. Mine is people that are too serious. Life is already too serious, let's not make it worse!
3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
"Don't ever go to bed angry, it causes stomach ulcers and wrinkles."
4. If you could make a mundane wish (meaning, a wish for something seemingly inconsequential that you still believe would benefit you immensely), what would it be for?
I wish I could redo the last 4 months. There are many reasons.
5. Make a prediction about something you think has a reasonably good chance of happening in 2023.
I predict that we are all going to work too hard during 2023 but it will be worth it in the end.
(Editor's note: that is refreshingly optimistic; thanks!)
6. If you could have any super power what would it be and why?
The power of turning things into gold. Gold retains its value so well! Plus it would be cool to be worth more than those crypto creeps.
7. You can curse your nemesis with a minor annoyance for eternity; what do you choose?
The loss of sense of taste, but only savory. That would drive anyone insane!
8. What experience do you most want to cross off your bucket list?
Visiting Iceland and Amsterdam.
9. What is something you wish you could go back in time and say to your younger self?
Confidence is key to everything!! I promise.
10. Clear up a misconception (about your job, where you are from, some other topic you know a lot about).
Tequila DOES in fact (there is a published study that I do not have the rights for that proves this tidbit of info) make your clothes come off. It makes sensors in your layers of skin very sensitive and fibers in clothing start to irritate it causing the drinker to take them off. Wild!
11. Where can the rest of the Boredwalk community find you? 
I'm usually not in social media. I'm like the yeti of California, you never see me but you've heard of me and I'd rather be playing in the forest. A yeti can drive a Jeep, right?!
(We don't see why not!)