August 08, 2022
The only stars I'm interested in... 🤩
I have had my fill of being subjected to the personal lives of celebrities, but I will never grow tired of admiring the cosmos. Tonight is Sleep Under the Stars Night and although I'll be busy at a trade show this week, I intend to make up for it this weekend by watching the Perseid meteor shower out in Joshua Tree. If you're not familiar with this annual astronomical event, it takes place every year around August 11-13. If you go somewhere dark you can see tons of meteors shooting across the sky all night. This year astronomers are projecting approximately 100 meteors per hour, with peak activity and visibility between 10pm on August 12th and sunrise on August 13th.
Today is also International Cat Day, but that's every day in my household if you ask our cat.
I guess you could also celebrate National Tarantula Appreciation Day if you want to, but I would mostly appreciate them not crawling on me.

Nope! Nope! Nope!
In case you missed it Friday, we've got vengeance on the brain and you can get a front row seat for the action! Our first behind the scenes video just dropped and our second one will be arriving soon. The only way to get the link is to buy vengeance, so if you want the stories, you know what to do.
We'll be filming our second video when I return from my trip this week, but it's a riveting tale of a copyright infringer who sent me one of the most insane emails I've ever received.
Highlights include a tirade about the harm I caused by stopping the infringer from using our work AND an implied self-harm threat if I didn't withdraw my infringement complaint. If you wanna watch me and Boredwalk co-founder Matt critique that doozy of a message, be sure to invest in some vengeance so you can watch us spill the tea.
Want a few August 8th historical facts and famous birthdays? Of course you do!
• Famous birthdays: actor/filmmaker Dustin Hoffman (1937), singer/dancer/producer/former member of boy band NSYNC JC Chasez (1976), swimmer/actress Esther Williams (1921), musician/singer/songwriter/U2 lead guitarist Dave "The Edge" Evans (1961)
• On this day in 1974 US President Richard Nixon announced his resignation in response to the Watergate Scandal
• On this day in 1786 US unit Congress unanimously chose the dollar as the monetary unit for the United States
Alright! Unfortunately we received no volunteers for our weekly Boredwalk community Q&A segment — boo! If you'd like to be featured in an upcoming Monday email (and are a customer with some Boredwalk tees, tanks, hoodies, towels, bags, or books to show off), just reply to this and let us know, and we'll send you some fun questions to answer (along with our undying gratitude)!
Speaking of fans & customers, shout out to Sarah G., who won a free tee of her choice for entering to win our monthly giveaway by signing up for our email list and/or SMS list! We're often remiss in publicly announcing these winners each month, but are trying to do better about that since some people think it's an empty promise to get email signups. Not true! Maybe Sarah will be willing to show off her new What A Time To Be Alive & Anxious v-neck tee once she receives it. Fingers crossed!
We'll be back here in your inbox on Wednesday with some more random holidays to observe, historical tidbits to acknowledge, and fun links to entertaining content! Until next time...
Peace, love, and stargazing,
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