3 Ways to Support Small and Local Businesses Without Spending a Dime
Got a favorite local or indie business you love? Buying their stuff is obviously a great way to support them, but it's not the only way to show your support! Here are three things you can do to show your favorite small or local business some love (beyond just, y'know, spending money with them).
1. Write a Review
Writing a review for a small or local businesses helps encourage other potential customers to support your favorite companies. For local businesses, Yelp and Google reviews are a great place to leave a review. For online retailers, many of us have apps that let you leave a review on our websites. Let other potential customers know what you love about your favorite restaurant, service provider, or store.
Here at Boredwalk, reading reviews from our customers is one of our favorite things. We love hearing about how you're enjoying your new shirts and getting compliments from strangers on them!
2. Tell Friends
Telling your friends about a business you love is a terrific way to spread the love! Sharing on social media — such as Facebook or Twitter — is a great way to let your friends know about your favorite businesses. Recommending your favorite local handyman or dinner spot to a friend who mentions a leaky faucet or special upcoming date night is another great way to do it. Small and local businesses thrive on word of mouth, so recommending a favorite company to a friend is a huge boon to the businesses you love.
3. Send a Nice Note
Sending a quick email to your favorite company to let them know how much you appreciate them is a great way to brighten their day. I do this with big and small companies alike, because even with larger companies I want their superstar employees to be recognized and I want them to do more of what I love to see them doing. It only takes a moment to dash of a quick email to let a company know you like what they're doing and encourages them to keep up the good work.
Got a favorite way to show your love for small or local businesses? Let us know!
Karen Nogle
What a fabulous idea….3 simple things. We’re always on our phones anyhow…how about you shoot out a nice review to your favorite local spot, promo an event they are hosting and/or send them a note. Great idea. “If you can be anything … be kind.”
July 23, 2018
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