5 Generic Last Minute Gift Ideas for Just About for Anyone
The holiday season means gift giving, and that one little snag you have to watch out for is someone you forgot to shop for surprising you with a gift. Maybe it's your boss or your neighbor down the street, but whoever it is, it's best to be prepared. Here's our list of generic last minute gifts you can prepare so you aren't left empty-handed when someone surprises you with a gift at the last minute during the holiday season!
1. Gift Cards
Keeping a little stash of gift cards on hand is a great way to always have extra gifts ready. Think of popular spending spots like Target, Starbucks, or Trader Joe's. Go the extra mile and keep some generic holiday cards on hand, too. That way you can write a quick personalized note and enclose your gift card. They'll never know you weren't prepared. 😉
Bonus: if you end up not using your gift card stash, you can always use those cards for yourself after the holidays.
2. Download and Print Gifts
We like our handy kitchen conversion chart, which you can download here for free! For other cool free printable downloads, check out Minted Strawberry's collection of Dr Seuss quotes or Quiet Sunday's selection of funny quotes.
Any of these free printable downloads will fit into this inexpensive picture frame from Ikea. The 12x16 frame holds an 8x10 print perfectly with the matte that's included with the frame. For under $25 you can get a few frames at Ikea and have a few ready made gifts for just about any recipient.
3. DIY Treats
If you're feeling creative, there are loads of great DIY gift ideas out there that could be perfect for anyone. Pinterest is, of course, a treasure trove of ideas in this department, but here are a few we liked in particular:
- DIY Flavored Salts
- Toffee Blondie Mix in a Jar
- Soup Mixes in a Jar
- Mood Boosting Room Sprays
- Hot Apple Cider Spice Mix
These ideas are perfect for channeling your inner Martha Stewart and creating thoughtful gifts anyone can enjoy.
4. Booze
Keeping a few extra bottles of wine around can be a great back up plan as gifts go. We love giving out bottles of prosecco at this time of year, since bubbles are such a popular way to ring in the new year. Be sure to keep a few nice bows on hand so you can dress up the bottle to make it look more like a gift than an after-thought. If you've got some extra holiday cards around, attach one of those with a quick personalized note and you're all set.
If you don't end up with surprise gift recipients, you can always enjoy the extra bottles on your own, since wine keeps for an extended period. 🍾
5. Consumables for the Non-Drinker
If you're concerned about people in your circle that don't drink, but DIY isn't your thing and gift cards feel too generic, other consumables make great gifts for anyone. Think about items like candles, bath salts, or chocolates.
Trader Joe's usually has a fabulous assortment of gift-ready treats at this time of year; it's one of our favorite spots to look for last-minute emergency gifts. I like consumables since they don't create clutter for the recipient and you don't have to worry about whether it's something they already have.
Most of all, remember the spirit of the season and that mostly folks want to feel remembered and valued as people above all else. If you're stumped as to what the office introvert or a shy sibling, consider inviting them to a low-key holiday get-together, or if they have pets, maybe a gift card to their favorite local pet store for their furry, feathered, or scaly roommates!
Until next time,
Peace, love, and good cheer,
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