Boredwalk Community: Be Kind

1. What's your actual day job and what's your dream day job?
I'm a creative director for one of the top business schools in the country (#1 Graduate Entrepreneurship), Rice Business. My dream day job would be to write and record music all day.
2. What keeps you up at night?
Everything. COVID-19. Immigrant children in cages. Blatant apathy toward the disproportionate loss of black lives. The division of our country and aversion to facts and science. I'm a worrier, so when my head hits the pillow my brain goes crazy. My wife would disagree and say I pass out, instantly. Maybe I do and it's all in my dreams. (Ed. note: when the waking world is a nightmarish hellscape, who can tell the difference between reality and dreams?)
3. What's a book you think the Boredwalk community should read?
With two kids, ages 10 and 14, I don't have tons of time to read these days but I have a few books I need to finish: The Stories of John Cheever – given to me by Fred Nicolaus of the bands Golden Suits and Department of Eagles; a few books by Jón Gnarr, former mayor of Reykjavík, Iceland and whom I've met a few times; and Moby Dick.
4. What's a life pro tip the Boredwalk community needs to know?
Be kind. Kindness can disarm someone spreading hate. (Sage advice we should all heed more often.)
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