Boredwalk Community: "Bloom Where You're Planted"

1. What's your actual day job and what's your dream day job?
I'm a part-time writer and a full-time K-7 Art teacher at an all-girls Quaker school in New England. My dream job, though, is to be a tugboat captain. (Ed. note: I love this idea, but engines scare me. Maybe I'll opt for rowboat captain.)
2. What's your biggest pet peeve?
Mean people. I just don't understand them. Do they need more hugs? A puppy? Someone to tell them that they matter and are important? I'm happy to help them out if they would just stop making other people miserable. (Right? Some of us are trying to have a society here.)
3. What's a book you think the Boredwalk community should read?
Since you asked, I wrote a trilogy that makes for a fun summer read. It's called the Merrow Trilogy. Here's an amazing summary by Barnes & Noble book blogger, Nicole Hill: "You know what's great about Rigney's horror-ific (that's horror-filled and terrific), hysterical debut novel? Besides the bloodthirsty merfolk, our antihero protagonist is an overweight, drunk, subpar mother, who also happens to be a funeral director. I can't even describe the premise of this book without getting giddy, because how many times does a plot involve both vicious mermaids and Rhode Island colonists?" (Bloodthirsty merfolk? I mean, I'm sold...)
4. What's the most useful piece of advice you've ever received?
There have been plenty of times where I've landed in situations and thought, how did I get here and what the hell am I going to do now? But, I've always looked around and made the best of things because my mom always told me, "Bloom where you're planted" and my dad said, "Don't ever let the bastards get you down."
5. If you could have any super power what would it be and why?
Shapeshifter, hands down. It would save me so much money on hair dye and makeup. (I think this is the first time anyone's responded with shapeshifter, but that's an excellent pick!)
6. You can curse your nemesis with a minor annoyance for eternity; what do you choose?
Mockingbirds at 3 AM for the rest of eternity. LOUD mockingbirds.
7. What experience do you most want to cross off your bucket list?
To live and paint in Italy. Every day I want to walk to a little village and just chat up some old, adorable, Italian men —preferably while drinking lots of local wine.
8. Where can the rest of the Boredwalk community find you?
I'm mostly on Instagram @mermaidslovesushi, but I also have a website:
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