February 28, 2019

Dodging helicopters, rain drops, and oblivious jerks — all while showing some love for our local public library!

Boredwalk Support Your Local Library Shirt

Happy March 1st, everybody! Ever wondered what's so special about the first day in March? LOTS of stuff! Here are some highlights:

On this day in 1692 Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba were arrested for the supposed practice of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts. All because some weak-kneed dudes couldn't handle a little homemade LSD. Patriarchy, amirite?

On this day in 1780 Pennsylvania became the first state in the union to abolish slavery. Thank yinz!

On this day in 1803 Ohio became the 17th state in the union. Happy birthday, Ohio!

In the current era — that is, today — Boredwalk brings you a fresh (and very brief!) podcast episode! In it we share an epic customer review from Shaun H., lament the noise created by the Apache helicopter drills currently depriving us of peace & quiet, complain about jerks in grocery stores, talk about the library trip that inspired the sweet new design you see above, and reveal two new products that are in the works and will be hitting the site in the coming weeks. Enjoy!

We'll be back on Tuesday with a new design, a fresh customer interview, and a new podcast ep featuring an interview with a Hollywood creative that's been part of some of the biggest blockbusters of the last 20 years!

Oh, before I go...if you guys are enjoying the podcast, please subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play and/or leave us an honest review! It'd really help more people find the show (and, by extension, the Boredwalk brand) and would be very appreciated by me, Meredith, and the rest of the team. Until next time...

Peace, love, and tacos,
