Don't believe the rumors...😾

Alright, you've waited long enough — on to the links!
1. Feel better about your cooking
You might not be Gordon Ramsay, but I bet you're not making anything as gross as what's in this Twitter feed.
(BTW, I was hanging out with a Gen Z friend last weekend who was not aware that food was fairly disgusting in the mid 20th century. We told him tales of jello salads and sardine casseroles and marveled at how our bizarre gastronomical history is lost to the youth).
2. Okay, not sure how this will make you feel about your cooking
These cats are getting culinary. I bet they'd love a sardine casserole.
Everything is bad, you need to gaze at a cute little baby sloth right now.
4. Since it's road trip season...
This website will suggest interesting places to visit along any road trip route. I adore a road trip and will definitely be putting this to use (and probably annoying my husband with it).
5. What Grace really wanted to say to her ex-roommate
Grace from the Boredwalk creative team shares one of her Grievance Journal entries. Stop by and tell her what you wish you had said to someone!
Be sure to follow us on Tiktok, Instagram, and Youtube and let us know which videos you like!
6. Bonus Link: We did a live release party for our new book!
We published our second book, Adventures in the Abyss, on Friday last week, and last night we hosted a virtual release party for it across a bunch of social media channels! You can watch the re-airing on the link above. You can also get a closer look at what's in the book and watch us do some of the activities with the live audience participating!
Peace, love, and black cats,
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