June 05, 2023
Everything happens for a reason 😒
As I sit here typing this missive to you it is June 1st and it is a chilly 67 degrees Fahrenheit with gray skies and intermittent rain. I am wearing a hoodie. This is day who-can-even-keep-track of gloomy weather in Los Angeles, a famously warm, dry, sunny place. Just look at the sky behind Josh and Tess in this video; this is hardly first week of June weather! My seasonal depression is reveling in its thriving era, having not a hint of sun to shake it loose all year.
Not to be dramatic, but as the main character, I am convinced this weather is absolutely a direct punishment from the universe, which takes great delight in spiting me.
For several years I was trapped in an apartment with no outdoor space and yearned for a little stretch of patio to call my own. Hunting for a new place to live in LA takes a looong time, so Matt and I spent a solid 18 months looking for our current abode, an urban oasis with a cozy patio and the swinging egg chair I'd been coveting on Pinterest. As soon as I acquired the outdoor space I'd pined for, our consistently good weather turned and I am trapped indoors again, just me and these over-stayed seasonal sads.

Alanis knows what I'm talking about.
gif via Alanis Morissette
But enough of my whining. How is the universe thwarting you? Reply and let us know!
Want a few famous birthdays and historical facts from past June 5ths? June 5ths when the sun still shined and I could wear a tank top instead of fleece as summer approached? Here are a few...
• Born on this day: cultural commentator, essayist, and author Chuck Klosterman (1972), actor Mark Wahlberg (1971), actor/comedian Nick Kroll (1978), and children's book author Richard Scarry (1919)
• Bananas were introduced to US consumers at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia on this day in 1876
• The first Orient Express left Paris on this day in 1883
• The United States went off the gold standard on this day in 1933
• MTV's Singled Out premiered on this day in 1995 (if you remember watching that show you definitely need our 1990s activity book)
Alright! No new community Q&A this week. However, if you're feeling even moderately outgoing and would like to be featured in an upcoming Monday email (and are a customer with some Boredwalk tees, tanks, hoodies, towels, bags, or books to show off), just reply to this and let us know and we'll send you some fun questions!
We'll be back here in your inbox on Wednesday with some more random holidays to observe, historical tidbits to acknowledge, and fun links to entertaining content! Until next time...
Peace, love, and gloom,
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