😒 Gloom where you're planted 🥀
It's National Weed Appreciation Day! No, not the mind-altering variety, but the kind we're usually trying to banish from our gardens. A weed is simply a plant growing where we don't want it to grow. I think I'm gonna start referring to stray brow hairs not conforming to my brow line as face weeds. Get it together, brows!
You sort of have to respect the defiance of a weed, but the one I really admire is the stinging nettle. These botanical baddies grow worldwide and they will fork you right up if you so much as brush against them. This aggressive claiming of personal space is a move I can relate to and appreciate. But also, kudos to the daredevil gastronome who first ran afoul of the stinging nettle and thought "I wonder if this will still give me a scorching chemical burn if I cook it?" Way to roll the dice on your physical wellbeing AND exact some culinary retribution, ancestor!
Dandelions, you are messy, aggravate allergies, attract children, and offer false hope in the form of wishes that are never granted. You cannot sit with us.
Famous March 28th birthdays? Let's check it out:
• Singer, songwriter, and actress Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, A.K.A. Lady Gaga, was born on this day in 1986. Hope her day is free of Bad Romance.
• Actress Julia Stiles was born on this day in 1981. Stiles rose to popularity starring in 10 Things I Hate About You, but I also enjoyed her performance on Showtime's Dexter.
• Singer and actress Reba McEntire was born on this day in 1955. Often referred to as "the Queen of Country," McEntire has sold over 75 million records worldwide.
• Writer, journalist, and college professor Mario Vargas Llosa was born on this day in 1936. Llosa is one of Latin America's most significant novelists and essayists, and one of the leading writers of his generation.
Finally, it was on this day in 1963 that Alfred Hitchcock's classic horror movie The Birds was released, featuring a swarm of birds wreaking havoc on a California town. Relatable, given that March is mating season for the wild parrots and peafowl in my neighborhood. This cacophony certainly sounds horrific.
Alrighty! Scroll on down to learn about fellow Boredwalk fan Edie Cay! If you'd like to be featured in our Monday Q&A segment, reply to this email and let us know — especially since we're out of new ones for future Monday emails after today!
We'll be back in your inbox on Wednesday morning with links to fun distractions! If you're in a shopping mood, be sure to use the code YAY10 at checkout to save 10% on orders of $100 or more! Until next time...
Peace, love, and tastily terrifying nettles,
Edie looking loquacious in her Write Something Do Something tee!
1. What's a book you think the Boredwalk community should read?MINE. My latest is a historical romantic comedy set in Regency London featuring a non-binary character and a cis-woman. It's got it all: a run-away day through the streets of London, a heist, and historical drag queens.
(Editor's note: I want to go to there.)
2. If you could have any super power what would it be and why?
Uh...to not be anxious? So I could get some sleep.
(LOL, I think I have a greater chance of waking up tomorrow with super-strength, the ability to crawl up walls, and squirting spider webs out of my wrists than I do of waking up anxiety-free.)
3. If you drink: what's your go-to drink? If you don't drink: what's your go-to dessert or snack?
My go-to drink is a gin and tonic, or if gin is unavailable, a VTLO: Vodka, Tonic, Lime and Orange. It's very refreshing and great for hot weather, and with the orange in there, people might think it's just fancy water.
4. What is a surprising fact about you?
I used to guide motorcycle tours in Alaska.
(How delightfully rugged!)
5. Where can the rest of the Boredwalk community find you?
I'm most active on my Instagram account: @authorEdieCay
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