December 13, 2023

Need hilarious content to get you through the week? 🤣


Happy National Cocoa Day!

December 13th is certainly a fitting day to celebrate the best wintry beverage this side of mulled wine and/or nog.

Less fitting is National Cream Cheese Frosting Day, but it's delicious so I guess it can hang.

Not remotely fitting at all is National Ice Cream Day. You already get the third Sunday in July, Big Ice Cream! Don't be greedy!

If you are equinely inclined, today is also National Horse Day, when we recognize the economic, historic, and cultural contributions of horses. Like the tail hairs they so graciously donate to the bows used to play and celebrate...

National Violin Day! I hope your day is filled with the dulcet tones of an elementary school orchestra recital! Tell little Magnus and/or Mathilde they nailed the concerto, even if it really sounded like Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music on downers.

Baby Yo Yo Ma playing cello GIF

"You're doing great, Yo-Yo! (Ugh, those lessons were a total waste of money.)"
- Mr. & Mrs. Ma, probably
GIF courtesy of The Kennedy Center


Alright, before we get to those links, let's take note of some famous birthdays from December 13ths of yore. Maybe yours! If it is, happy birthday! 

Birthday frosting all around for: 16th First Lady of the U.S. Mary Todd Lincoln (1818), first African-American player in MLB's American League Larry Doby (1923), entertainer Dick Van Dyke of Mary Poppins and The Dick Van Dyke Show fame (1925), Canadian actor Christopher Plummer of The Sound of Music fame (1929), actor Steve Buscemi (1957), musician & actor Morris Day (1957), entertainer Jamie Foxx (1967), Blink-182 guitarist & singer-songwriter Tom DeLonge (1975), actor James Kyson of Heroes fame (1975), Evanesence singer-songwriter & musician Amy Lee (1981), and cat enthusiast Taylor Swift (1989)

Pour some cocoa out for: Italian painter, sculptor, and mutant turtle namesake Donatello (d. 1466), English-American labor organizer Samuel Gompers of AFL fame (d. 1924), folk artist Grandma Moses (d. 1961), Canadian singer-songwriter & guitarist Zal Yanovsky of Lovin' Spoonful fame (d. 2002), Canadian actor, songwriter, and television host Alan Thicke of Growing Pains fame (d. 2016)

Now on to the amusing links!


1. 🩸 Bloody good edutainment!

Introducing a brand new YouTube series from Boredwalk: Women's Rights and Women's Wrongs! A series of mini-documentaries showcasing notable female monsters (both real and fictional), check out our premier episode about Countess Elizabeth Báthory, presented by Tess from the Boredwalk content team!

We have a few more episodes in the works, but for this to become an ongoing series please watch, subscribe to our channel, and share it far & wide with anyone you think would appreciate our humorous historical takes!

For more LOLs from our team be sure to follow us on our OG social accounts such as InstagramTikTokYouTube, and/or Facebook.

2. 🍎 Apple picking + Cuffing Season: A match made in heaven!

Comedy professionals and orchard owning amateurs Dan Toomey and Mack Hubbell make a compelling case for why apples are the greatest aphrodisiac of them all (at least during the months of September & October).

3. ⛳ The perfect solution to pesky cases of Brad, Blake, or even Brendynn!

Love golf but hate misogyny? Keep those monied alpha males in check with the St. André Crude Collar!

4. 🦇 Goth crafting, but make it glam AF

Calligraphy artist Jessica Cooper does some gorgeous work with foil. Check out the link above to see her process videos, but also visit her Etsy shop to buy some prints if you like her art!

5. 🎙️ Won't someone think of the drywall?!

Boredwalk's alpha female podcast is back, and Tess & Grace make a compelling case against allowing men to watch sports. Just too much emotional fragility!


OK! We'll be back here in your inbox on Friday with more nonsense holidays to dissect, more notable birthdays (and maybe even some notable deathdays!) to celebrate, and more witty content in general. Until then...

Peace, love, and cocoa,
