Outdoorsy? Not us!
OK, that's not entirely true. We like the outdoors just fine! Sometimes we just feel the need to stay in, dim the lights, and slip into the warm, pulsating embrace of climate control and modern technology, hence our new Indoorsy retro 80s t-shirt design. Hopefully it'll tide you over until the fourth season of Stranger Things premiers.
We also have a more topical design courtesy of Boredwalk fan (and talented screenwriter/show runner/podcaster) Brian Koppelman, who weighed in on the latest cloud of virulent racism emanating from the White House with this gem he posted to Twitter earlier this week:
Meredith and I also made time to record a new podcast episode for your listening pleasure! This week we shared THREE customer reviews and read a TON of fan-submitted comments to our Question of the Day posts on Facebook & Instagram, dished on the details of our current Fun In The Sun Giveaway (which you and your friends should totally enter to win — just click here to do so), and lamented the dubious grammar skills of PhDs on trash TV gem Married At First Sight.
Things you won't hear on the podcast, but are free to imagine:
• Oliver the cat yakking on the dining room table mere inches from the very laptop I'm typing on.
• The very same Oliver the cat dousing Meredith's phone with a liberal coating of kitty snot. Thank goodness for the magic of editing, am I right? Enjoy!
We'll be back on Tuesday with a Boredwalk Community Q&A interview, more new designs throughout the week, and a fresh podcast ep! Until then...
Peace, love, and tacos,
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