February 24, 2023

Spring is in the air, but...😒


I am sure the toxic positivity crowd will be horrified by our latest release, chastising us for our "negativity," but let's be honest: if there's one thing being alive guarantees, it's suffering. From stubbed toes to major heartbreak, existence is full of pain, and we're here to crack wise about it.*
* Sure, we could pretend it doesn't exist and focus on the "positive," but what has that ever done for us? Nothing! Snarking about the hellscape is considerably more fun.
Today happens to be International Stand Up to Bullying Day, a day that appears on the calendar not once, but TWICE, every year, because there's just so much of it. See my premise up top! In fact, I predict plenty of bullying in Boredwalk's comments section over this new design, with people demanding we stop sharing this art because it's "negative." I think complaining about free expression and how other people process life's challenges is negative, so we'll have to agree to disagree.
My favorite antidote to suffering is amusement and our newest art makes me laugh. I hope it does that for you, too! I have heard gratitude advocates claim you cannot experience gratitude and pain at the same time. Maybe they can't, I know I can. That said, I cannot experience pain and laughter at the exact same time. Even if I am generally in pain because I've injured myself or experienced something sad, a laugh is the most effective salve, even if it's only temporary. So if we have to suffer through existence, I'm gonna laugh about it; join me if you like! Maybe order that shirt up top to connect with some like-minded humans so you can tee-hee-hee together.
Life is Pain gif
See, this guy gets it!
GIF via The Dungeon Room
Need another diversion from the pain of existing? Check out the newest Boredwalk podcast! I chat with Tess from our creator team AND our operations manager Marlene about the exhausting nature of adult life, bargains we make with ourselves to try to stick to exercising, our apology to Rihanna, and your comments on Question of the Day. Watch the episode on YouTube or listen on your favorite podcasting platform
Want a few notable February 24th birthdays and historical facts to kick off the weekend? Here are a few...
• Born on this day: entrepreneur Steve Jobs (1955), comedian Mitch Hedberg (1968), author of Brothers Grimm fame Wilhelm Grimm (1786), actor/Rocky Horror Picture Show star Barry Bostwick (1945), baseball Hall of Famer Eddie "Steady Eddie" Murray (1956), and Alkaline Trio frontman Matt Skiba (1976)
• The world's first opera premiered on this day in 1607
 Mexico declared its independence from Spain on this day in 1821
• Finally, Andrew Johnson became the first US President to be impeached by the US House of Representatives
OK, that's it for this week! We'll be back here in your inbox on Monday with another email and (hopefully) a fresh customer Q&A! If you'd like to be featured in an upcoming email reply to this and let us know!
Peace, love, and (less) suffering,