January 15, 2024
🙀 The best way to survive the winter? 🥶
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! If you are off from work or school today, I hope you enjoy it and are able to stop for a few moments to contemplate Dr. King's contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.
Today is also National Bagel Day (yum!), National Strawberry Ice Cream Day (yum?), and National Hat Day (decidedly not yummy, but I appreciate any article of clothing that allows me to get away with going out in public without washing my hair every once in a while).
Hats are useful in other ways, though!
They let us quickly determine who among us are magicians, cowboys, leprechauns, witches, and giant talking cats that believe the best way to clean up the messes they make is to move them around to different locations.

That cat is a menace — don't let him in your house!
GIF via Boomerang
GIF via Boomerang
In less menacing cat news, we have a new temporary house guest named Grover. She is impossibly cute and currently recovering from surgery. We're hoping to get her ready for adoption soon. Can you believe some jerk tossed her out on the street un-altered?
She hit the jackpot when we happened upon her, though, and like the kitty on the shirt up top, she is very happy to be an indoor cat now.

"Buy some stuff from Boredwalk because my food and vet bills are expensive!" - This kitten, probably
Alright! Let's kick off the week with a few famous January 15th historical events and notable birthdays and deathdays:
• In 1559 frilly collar enthusiast Elizabeth I was crowned Queen of England in London
• In 1870 a political cartoon by Thomas Nast for Harper's Weekly symbolized the Democratic Party with a donkey for the first time
• In 1889 the Coca-Cola Company (at the time known as the Pemberton Medicine Company) was incorporated in Atlanta, Georgia
• In 1892 Canadian educator James Naismith published the rules of basketball for the very first time
• In 1919 a wave of molasses released by an exploding storage tank swept through Boston, Massachusetts, killing 21 and injuring 150. The incident became known as the Great Molasses Flood. What a delicious way to go!
• In 1967 the first Super Bowl was played in Los Angeles, with the Green Bay Packers defeating the Kansas City Chiefs 35-10
• In 2001 Wikipedia was launched
• Birthday ice cream all around for: French playwright Molière (1622), drummer & composer Gene Krupa (1909), actor and father of Beau & Jeff Lloyd Bridges (1913), minister, activist, and Nobel Prize laureate Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929), singer-songwriter, musician, and artist Captain Beefheart (1941), singer-songwriter Ronnie Van Zant of Lynyrd Skynyrd (1948), guitarist Adam Jones of Tool (1965), and DJ & producer Skrillex (1988)
• Pour one out for: Singer-songwriter Harry Nilsson (d. 1994), Irish singer-songwriter Dolores O'Riordan of The Cranberries (d. 2018), and actress Carol Channing (d. 2019)
OK, no new customer Q&A this week, unfortunately! If you're feeling even moderately outgoing and would like to be featured in an upcoming Monday email (and are a customer with some Boredwalk tees, tanks, hoodies, towels, bags, books, or Delve Decks to show off), just reply to this and let us know and we'll send you some fun questions!
And if you're looking to shop today — like for that cute Indoor Cat tee up top — be sure to use code SAVE15 at checkout for 15% off orders of $95 or more, and don't forget that U.S. shipping is FREE for orders of $75 or more!
We'll be back here in your inbox on Wednesday with some more random holidays to observe, historical tidbits to acknowledge, and fun links to entertaining content! Until next time...
Peace, love, and hats,
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