December 12, 2022
The true reason for the season 🎄
I know the festive holiday sweater crowd is ready to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas, but we know the real reason for the season: airing grievances!
I will be celebrating the 12 days of Festivus, and today's object of grievance is ambrosia f*cking salad, because apparently today is National Ambrosia Salad Day. That it is neither salad nor ambrosia in the original sense of the word, has not deterred the culinarily insane from menacing potlucks everywhere with this monstrosity.
A swirling abomination of Cool Whip, sour cream, canned mandarins, canned pineapple chunks, maraschino cherries, mini marshmallows and sweetened shredded coconut (sweetened because there's not enough sugary suffering in the mix already) — it's the sort of thing you'd expect a small child to come up with if left unattended in a mid-western kitchen after huffing entirely too much model airplane glue. There is only one place for this tub of punishment and it's the trash.

Just another demon foisting ambrosia salad on someone
GIF via Edward Scissorhands
Today is also Gingerbread House Day. They aren't delicious, but the are interesting from a creative perspective so I guess they can hang. Did you know the gingerbread house originated from the Brothers’ Grimm? A gingerbread house made its first appearance in Hansel and Gretel and German gingerbread guilds picked up the idea from there.
Want a few December 12th famous birthdays and historical facts before you go? Here's a few...
• Born on this day: game show host Bob Barker (1923), actress Jennifer Connelly (1970), singer Frank Sinatra (1915), and Norwegian artist Edvard Munch
• On this day in 1787 Pennsylvania became the 2nd state to ratify the US Constitution
• Marconi sent his first wireless transmission over 2000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean on this day in 1901
• On this day in 2009 Houston Texas elected Annise Parker as the first openly gay mayor in the United States
Alright! We do have some new Q&A content in the works, but please bear with us while we wait for some (no doubt stunning) selfies from volunteers. Hopefully we'll be able to resume this feature in next Monday's email! If you'd like to be featured in an upcoming Monday email (and are a customer with some Boredwalk tees, tanks, hoodies, towels, bags, or books to show off), just reply to this and let us know, and we'll send you some fun questions to answer (along with our undying gratitude)!
We'll be back here in your inbox on Wednesday with some more random holidays to observe, historical tidbits to acknowledge, and fun links to entertaining content! Until next time...
Peace, love, and grievances,
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