Top 5 Most Awesome Animal Live Video Feeds

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash
We love animals here at Boredwalk. Anyone who's spent even a couple of minutes here on our site can see that we have a serious appreciation for our furry, feathered, and yes, even our scaly friends!
And as much as we enjoy really top-shelf animal photography, nothing beats watching them in action in their natural environment, so without further ado — and in no particular order — here's a list of our favorite animal live video feeds!
1. Kitten Rescue's Cat Cam
KittenRescue.org is a Los Angeles-based nonprofit cat rescue and adoption organization. They do great work and gift us all with never-ending cuteness via this live cam!
2. Brooks Falls Bear Cam
Featuring multiple camera feeds to choose from, the Bear Cam at Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park, Alaska is must-see viewing during the summer when the bears in the park are busy packing on the pounds ahead of hibernation season! If you want to see these beautiful bears in person, start your trip-planning here. Support our national parks!
3. Elkhorn Slough OtterCam
Winding seven miles inland from California's central coast into Monterey Bay, Elkhorn Slough is a favorite hangout of sea otters. We could watch these little guys float around for hours! And thanks to the live feeds of OtterCam1 and OtterCam2, you can, too!
4. Channel Islands Live Ocean Webcam
Let's take a break from the fur and the fuzz and check in with our marine pals, shall we? Set up along the landing cove of Anacapa Island, this serene feed is guaranteed to relax. Just remember — when you enter the ocean, you enter the food chain!
5. Keeping Up With The Kattarshians Kitten Live Cam
What if we told you that on a tiny island there was a tiny house (full of tiny furniture) inhabited exclusively by tiny cats? That is exactly what's going on right now in the Kattarshian home in Iceland! It's all above board and approved of by Icelandic animal welfare orgs, so enjoy! To learn more about the project, go here.
6. BONUS: Warrior Canine Connection Puppy Cam
Did we say five? Well, a rundown of the best animal live streams would be pretty incomplete without human's best friend. Warrior Canine Connection is a fantastic organization based in Boyds, Maryland that helps pair wounded American military veterans with therapeutic service dogs. To learn more about WCC and its mission, visit here.
The fact is that there are TONS of animal live streams out there — this is just the tip of the iceberg. But in terms of quality? These are the six that, in our eyes, just can't be beat.
And if you guys are in the market for some fresh threads featuring your favorite friends from the animal kingdom, give these a gander!
That's it for this week! Have a great weekend, and stay safe out there!
Peace, love, and tacos,
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