June 21, 2023

🌅 We hope your day is off to a good start...


Happy Summer Solstice! Today is the longest day of the year, a fact that Boredwalk co-founder Meredith firmly believes is proof that she is cursed and that the universe hates her, as it is also her birthday. I choose to believe that, if anything, the universe just wants to celebrate her for as long as possible — I know I do!
This email has been beamed to you from the past, as we are currently somewhere between Santa Fe, New Mexico and Austin, Texas. We'll be sure to avoid hitting any armadillos or roadrunners we come across. I make no such assurances regarding chupacabras, though!*
* Just kidding — last thing we need on this trip is a pissed off cryptid on our tail.
she's kinda like a chupacabra gif
I've never watched Shahs of Sunset, but now I feel compelled to check it out so I can get the context around this statement.
GIF via Bravo/Shahs of Sunset
Today is also National Dog Party Day, which sounds delightful, as well as National Cookie Dough Day! I wonder if I DO run afoul of a chupacabra if I can distract it long enough with cookie dough to beat a hasty retreat? I'll report back.
Want a few other notable June 21st birthdays and historical facts with which to further embiggen your brain before we get to this week's amusing links? Of course you do!
 In 2009, Greenland assumed self-rule. Good on ya, Greenland! Have fun with those gnarly sharks of yours!
- American painter, illustrator, sailor, adventurer, and voyager Rockwell Kent (1882). Note that I had never heard of Rockwell Kent before learning about him just now, but with a superheroic name like "Rockwell Kent" and a job history that includes "voyager and adventurer," he seems like he deserves some cake. If you google him, though, you may be surprised to discover he looked more like Ned Ryerson's creepy kid brother. So preserve the mystery and just envision him as the pulp fiction bad-ass he sounds like!
- Philosopher & author Jean-Paul Sartre (1905), whose play "No Exit" gave us the immortal line "Hell is other people."
- British Invasion icon and Kinks frontman/singer-songwriter Ray Davies (1944). I hope he enjoys some afternoon tea today before taking in a Waterloo sunset this evening!
- Actress Meredith Baxter and actor Michael Gross (1947), who in a fun bit of synchronicity share a birthdate AND starred opposite one another on the television show Family Ties as husband and wife.
- Also born today were actress Juliette Lewis (1973), actor Chris Pratt (1979), Killers frontman Brandon Flowers ((1981), activist/whistleblower Edward Snowden (1983), and singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey (1985)
 Pour one out for: Blues singer-songwriter & guitarist John Lee Hooker (d. 2001)
Now on to the amusing links!
Grace and Josh report on the news stories of the 1990s. Tess makes an appearance. Hijinks ensue!
For more LOLs from our team (or to leave troll comments!) be sure to follow us on Instagram, TikTok and/or YouTube.
If you've ever thought to yourself "sure, this dress is nice, but it would be better if it were festooned with hundreds of mirrors and/or LED lights," ETERE Shop has you covered. 
Look, if you're gonna shell out for a 12-foot tall werewolf, you're gonna want to get more than a single day's use out of it. This werewolf AND its owner are goddamn patriots fighting for ALL our front lawn freedoms!
And it's about to rock your world with some explosive geology puns.
Multimedia artist Victoria Rose love mushrooms the way that lady a few links up loves her giant werewolf. Be impressed by her fanciful fungal flair!
OK! We'll be back here in your inbox on Friday — possibly with more nonsense holidays to dissect, more notable birthdays (and maybe even some notable deathdays!) to celebrate, and more witty content in general. Maybe even new art! Until next time...

Peace, love, and chupacabras,
