June 20, 2019
We regret nothing (except for some questionable fashion choices in the 80s and 90s.)
Well, that's not entirely true. I have LOTS of regrets; I'm sure you do, too. In fact, I think it's safe to say that anyone who claims to have "no ragrets" is probably the sort of person who doesn't engage in much self-reflection even when they would benefit the most from it:

© New Line Cinema and/or Warner Bros. (Please don't sue us!)
But the sentiment of the new design you see up top there isn't that we should live recklessly or indulge the basest impulses of our respective ids; it's that we should all strive to live our lives to the fullest and pursue all our endeavors with gusto and, to borrow a phrase from sportsball, "leave it all on the field." This doesn't mean we need to sell all our possessions and take a flying leap into the unknown — merely that we'd all benefit from living in and interacting with the world with intention.
So, uh...get on that. Or don't! We're all going to end up as worm chow, anyway.
On that uplifting note, it's podcast time!
This week's episode is chock full of the following:
• A loud, intrusive cat
• THREE customer reviews, including a very saucy one
• TONS of fan shoutouts related to the Question of the Day
• A story about a dude in the desert taking a bat (the animal kind) to the face
• Other fun stuff that I forgot because it's late and I'm hungry
Before I sign off, don't forget to head over here to enter to win the Suave Summer Giveaway! The prize pack is valued at a whopping $650, which is a pretty sweet deal when all you need to enter is an email address.
We'll be back next week with more new designs, another podcast episode, and probably (definitely) more regrets! Until then...
Peace, love, and tacos,
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