October 12, 2022
Well at least something is free in this economy 🙌
National Freethought Day is here to encourage us all to embrace logic and evidence-based decision making.
Organizers for this occasion selected the date of October 12th due to events dating back to the Salem Witch Trials. During the trials, accusers reported having seen devils and ghosts, eventually causing the trials to be halted due to these questionable claims. On October 12th, Massachusetts Governor William Phips declared "spectral evidence" inadmissible in court. Before the declaration at least 20 of the accused had already been executed, and the governor's declaration ended up saving hundreds of lives. Long live free thought!
You know what else is free? The prize pack from our Spooky Season Giveaway. If you're interested in entering to win, you can find details here!

image via This GIF Is Haunted
What happened on October 12ths of the past? Here are a few things:
• Actor Hugh Jackman was born on this day 1968. He's probably best known for starring as Wolverine in the X-Men films, but he's also appeared in plenty of other hits such as Van Helsing, The Prestige, and Night at the Museum.
• Also born on this day: Italian operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti (1935) and occultist Aleister Crowley (1875)
• Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy hit bookstores on this day in 1979.
• Finally, on this day in 1945 the Nazi party was ordered to be dissolved. Good riddance!
Alright, you've waited long enough — on to the links!
1. Parents should worry less about banning books and worry more about bad Halloween candy
Josh and Tess report from Boredwalk HQ on the real menace to our youth.
2. I will never be as relaxed as this dog on spa day
I will watch this blissed out pup enjoy his bath with envy, though.
Enjoy this minimalist comic strip series.
4. We've all met this person (probably)
Suzi Barrett expertly roasts the tiresome new age types we all prefer to avoid.
5. A visual feast of trippy multi-media art
KidMograph uses video, illustration, light, and more to create fascinating art
OK! We'll be back here in your inbox on Friday with BRAND NEW ART (!), more nonsense holidays to dissect, more notable birthdays to celebrate, and more witty content in general. Don't miss it! Until next time...
Peace, love, and free thought,
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