July 11, 2019

You CAN despair with us. Probably. If you're cool.

Boredwalk You Can't Despair With Us Shirt
Phew. What a week, folks!

First off, welcome to Friday. You've earned it! Probably. Maybe not. Perhaps you've been sipping mai tais on a beach all week; I don't know. Either way, you likely put up with a lot of bullshit to get to that beach — pat yourself on the back.

It's been busy here at Boredwalk HQ this week. I mean, it's always busy around here; this is nothing new. But even for us, it's been hectic. 

On the one hand, we're delighted to welcome a new team member into the fold: our new Production Specialist Charlynn! She'll be working with our Production Manager Sarah to print all the shirts, hoodies, tanks, and bags you order, taking care to ensure our prints are up to par and look as crisp & vibrant as they do in our product photos and feel soft to the touch when you're wearing them out in the world. 

On the other hand, we're printing & shipping fewer shirts than we should be due to rampant counterfeiting by criminals selling unlicensed knock-offs of our products. It's not a fun topic, but we do get into this a bit on this week's podcast episode. 

That said, it's not entirely doom & gloom on the podcast this week! We also talk about our upcoming giveaway, share some customer reviews, dole out some shoutouts to friends & fans of the brand, and banter about comments from this week's Question of the Day posts on Facebook & Instagram! I think you'll enjoy it, but there's only one way to find out — give it a listen!

As you can see above, I also had time to work on a new design. Well, sort of. Our Feeling Cute design from Tuesday is entirely new; this revision of our You Can't Despair With Us concept is an improvement (we think) of our original version from earlier this year. We hope you'll agree!

I hope you have TONS of fun stuff planned for your weekend, if only so I can live vicariously through you. Shoot us an email and let me know what you've got going on! 

I'll be back next week with more details about our giveaway, new designs, and a fresh podcast episode. Until then...

Peace, love, and tacos,
