Gourd Vibes Only 🎃

Some people take National Pumpkin Day a bit too far.
GIF via NBC/The Office
1. 😆 If Werner Herzog had a line of children's Halloween costumes...
This hilarious video imagines what it would be like. Hope you like a lot of umlauts!
2. 🤣 Just modern supernatural problems
Josh from the Boredwalk creator team lost track of the days and things got kinda hairy for him. (While you're catching up on Boredwalk content, be sure to check out Tess and Grace's round up of men's Halloween costumes that are so terrible we had to laugh.)
This visual effects creator does a brilliant job transforming herself into Wednesday Addams. Check out her whole account, it's pretty cool!
4. 😂 If the world were about to end...
It's dark, but it's also very funny, so naturally I thought of you.
5. 😒 Cake decorator explains how she foils content thieves
Boredwalk isn't the only creator dealing with art theft. This amazing cake decorator explains her trick for catching people re-posting her videos without crediting her.
Peace, love, and pumpkins,
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