June 23, 2023
"Hey, how's the vacation going?" 😄
Happy National Hydration Day! You're going to need that water, because today also happens to be National Detroit Style Pizza Day and National Pecan Sandies Day — alternately among the saltiest and driest snacks we've ever featured in a Boredwalk email.
Save some of that liquid refreshment for your pooch pal, though — it's also National Take Your Dog to Work Day!
Boredwalk co-founder Meredith and I are still slogging our way across the country to visit my family on the east coast.
Our journey got off to an inauspicious start when, as soon as we crossed out of California and into Arizona, we stopped to refuel only to have our A/C compressor give up on existence and proceed to blow 100º F air on us for the remaining three hours until we reached our first destination. The rest of our time in central AZ was spent trying to get the A/C fixed as quickly as possible.
Today is also National Family Owned & Operated Business Day. Hey, that's us! This is serendipitous, as we are gonna have to sell a lot of shirts, books, and Delve Decks to pay for this repair! In short: everything is terrible.
As I type this we are in the lobby of a service center in Prescott, AZ waiting for the compressor to be replaced before we — perhaps foolishly — continue on to Santa Fe, NM.
Understandably, Meredith is convinced we are cursed when it comes to travel, and I am slowly beginning to agree with her. If anything else expensive and/or calamitous happens on this trip, we've agreed to cut our losses and head back to the safety of southern California. With any luck — provided by our freshly charged chiastolite and jade stones (if you leave Sedona without at least one purportedly magical rock, you're doing it wrong) — we will be safely on our way from Austin to Memphis by the time you read this. Fingers crossed!

The universe, probably.
GIF via Forrest Gump
Want some more amusement? Check out the newest episode of the Boredwalk podcast! Josh and Tess on our content team discuss cat birthdays, historical figures getting cancelled, and the merits of the Oxford comma. They also come up with with a sweet band name, annual events they dread, and replacing their bodies with cyber parts. They also answered a question or two from our Delve Deck. Listen on your favorite podcasting platform or, even better, watch them on YouTube!
Let's kick off the weekend with a few famous June 23rd historical facts and notable birthdays to impress your friends with:
• 1868: Christopher Latham Sholes received a patent for an invention he called the "Type-Writer." (Today is also National Typewriter Day.)
• 1960: The FDA declares Enovid the first officially approved combined oral contraceptive pill in the world
• 1972: Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is amended to prohibit gender discrimination to any educational program receiving federal funds
• 1991: Sonic the Hedgehog is released in North America on the Sega Genesis platform
• 2016: The UK votes in a referendum to leave the European Union, 52% to 48%
• Birthday cake all around for: English mathematician & computer scientist Alan Turing (1912), actor, dancer, director, and choreographer Bob Fosse (1927), singer-songwriter & performer June Carter Cash (1929), original Beatles bassist and painter Stuart Sutcliffe (1940), primary Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter (1941), singer-songwriter and punk & metal icon Glenn-f**kin'-Danzig (1955), actress Frances McDormand (1957), original Oasis rhythm guitarist Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs (1965), actress Selma Blair (1972), and Scottish singer-songwriter KT Tunstall (1975)
• Pour one out for: Biologist & physician Jonas Salk (d. 1995), activist, educator, and Malcolm X's wife Betty Shabazz (d. 1997), actor, producer, screenwriter, and Tori's dad Aaron Spelling (d. 2006), Johnny Carson sidekick and comically large check presenter Ed McMahon (d. 2009), and horror/sci-fi author & screenwriting icon Richard Matheson (d. 2013)
OK, that's it for this week! We'll be back here in your inbox on Monday with another email and (hopefully) a fresh customer Q&A! If you'd like to be featured in an upcoming email reply to this and let us know!
Peace, love, and hydration,
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