November 09, 2022
Isn't it chaotic (don't you think)? 😵
Happy National Scrapple Day!
Just kidding; scrapple is disgusting in both concept and reality! Yet Big Scrapple managed to pull enough strings to give itself its own official random holiday, and since it happens to fall immediately after Election Day, it seems fitting.
Speaking of Election Day, Boredwalk was closed yesterday in observance thereof! Sure, it represents an exercise in futility,* but so does waking up!
*Before you reply to this slamming me for describing voting as futile, please note that, as mentioned above, we treat Election Day as a paid holiday at Boredwalk and encourage our team to flex that muscle early and often (not to mention co-founder Meredith and I doing so ourselves). Any tolerable port in a storm is our motto! If candidates don't like being described as "the least worst option," that's on them to change, not us.
If you happened to email or DM us over the last 36-ish hours and we have yet to respond, that is why. Just because we may not have been enthusiastic about our options doesn't mean we're about to shirk our civic duties! Stay tuned for a reply to your queries...
What is most wild about this is how often people comment on our social media posts about how they followed us for our biting commentary and rapier wit, but are disgusted by our not-even-especially-fringe leftward lean and then loudly announce their subsequent unfollowing. They should really look into the concept of the Irish/French goodbye and, uh, STFU. We are artists residing in the People's Gay-public of Drug-afornia! What did they expect?!

Shatner knows a thing or Warp 10 about flying high.
GIF via William F&*king Shatner — still the best thing to come out of Montreal since the 1994 Expos.
Today is also National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day. You know who makes my favorite fried chick'n sammie? The good folks of the Lettuce Feast food truck here in LA. If you're ever in town, get thee to them!
If faux poultry isn't your steeze, it's also National Louisiana Day! Any place repping dirty rice is A-OK in my book.
Finally, today is also Chaos Never Dies Day. Because of course it is! The day after an election? When swellness is at an all-time low? What other day could it possibly be?!?
What happened on November 9ths of the past? Here are a few things:
• Born on this day: mathematician/astronomer/Washington, DC civil engineer Benjamin Banneker (1731), actress/inventor Hedy Lamarr (1914), astronomer/astrophysicist Carl Sagan (1934), and actor/OG Incredible Hulk Lou Ferrigno (1951)
• Wes Craven's horror classic A Nightmare on Elm Street premiered in the US on this day in 1984
• The first issue of Rolling Stone Magazine was published on this day 1967
• Finally, on this day in 1989, East Germany opened its borders, allowing its citizens to freely cross into the West for the first time since the Berlin Wall was built in 1961
Alright, you've waited long enough — on to the links!
1. 🥰 Just a quokka blissfully enjoying a beetroot
I hope your day is as delightful as this video.
Here at Boredwalk complaining is basically an Olympic sport and this comedian is definitely vying for the gold.
Yet another thing technology has ruined: being a movie monster.
4. 💀 When supply chain problems impact the supernatural world
Now even demons are in short supply, what indignity will we face next?!
5. 😆 Some unsolicted advice for Elon Musk
Tess from the Boredwalk creator team has way better ideas about what to do with billions of dollars.
OK! We'll be back here in your inbox on Friday with BRAND NEW ART (!), more nonsense holidays to dissect, more notable birthdays to celebrate, and more witty content in general. Don't miss it! Until next time...
Peace, love, and chaos,
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