February 20, 2023
Monday kind of love? 😻
Around here every day is National Love Your Pet Day, particularly since my ancient familiar is a whopping 19 years old and not in great health. I am not sure a more spoiled quadruped exists on the planet, but he is 100% worth spoiling. Pets are known to relieve stress* and lower blood pressure, so be sure to give yours some extra attention today!
* While this is generally true, be forewarned that they do eventually get old and more prone to illness and need a TON of help and care they don't require when they are kittens/puppies/hatchlings/etc., which is stressful AF! Still worth it. If you don't have an animal in your life and have been considering getting one, this is your sign to do so!

This little guy looks ready to celebrate Love Your Pet Day.
Today is also No Politics Day, which I have tried to put into practice more often, especially after feeling very burned out by that whole 2016-2020 situation.
It's not a matter of me caring any less about the state of things, and more about my realization as I've gotten older that arguing with people is pointless and that the better way to effect change is to donate money or time to things I care about.
Want some notable February 20th birthdays and historical facts to impress people with? Here are a few...
• Born on this day: comedian Chelsea Peretti (1978), basketball player Charles Barkley (1963), actor Sidney Poitier (1927), model Cindy Crawford (1966), singer Rihanna (1988), musician/Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain (1967), and Blumhouse Productions founder Jason Blum (1969)
*Blumhouse has made some of my favorite horror movies ever, and the company has an impressive record of making great films on small-ish budgets, so kudos to Jason today!
• New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art opened on this day in 1872
• Tchaikovsky's ballet Swan Lake premiered on this day in 1877
• US President George Washington signed the Post Office Act, establishing a permanent Post Office Department, on this day in 1792
• Lastly, on this day in 1985, Ireland decided to allow contraceptives to be sold
Alright! Despite our exhortations in this space over the last few weeks, we STILL have no new community Q&A this week, but if you're feeling courageous and would like to be featured in an upcoming Monday email (and are a customer with some Boredwalk tees, tanks, hoodies, towels, bags, or books to show off), just reply to this and let us know and we'll send you some fun questions!
We'll be back here in your inbox on Wednesday with some more random holidays to observe, historical tidbits to acknowledge, and fun links to entertaining content! Until next time...
Peace, love, and pet love,
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