January 06, 2023
Time to disappoint someone! 😞
Nearly a full week into 2023 and I'm back on my bullsh!t already, and by that I mean second guessing my decision-making, imagining ways I will fail someone, and so on. Every time I sit down to write an email or Tweet, or release a new product, I can't help but imagine what unprovoked wrath from a stranger my latest offering might inspire. Does this sound like a villain origin story? I think this is how I end up in my villain era. Stay tuned!
If you're steeped in resolution failure and hating yourself, the above sentiment might be more your speed. Is it less than aspirational? Yes. But is it realistic? Also yes! Set those goals to achievable, Christina, that's how you succeed!
Today is also National Cuddle Up Day, which goes nicely with the cold dreary weather we've recently been experiencing here in Los Angeles, along with licking one's failure wounds.
Researchers at University of North Carolina report that just 20 seconds of hugging can reduce blood pressure. The oxytocin release that cuddling promotes has even been shown to help regenerate muscle tissue in mice, which means it might work on you, too! You don't even need a human companion — fuzzy, winged, or scaly friends work just as well!*
* Cue at least one angry email schooling me on the hazards of cuddling.

These two are ready to celebrate, and I am ready to join them!
GIF via Best Friends Animal Society
Want a few January 6th famous birthdays and historical facts to kick off the weekend?
• Born on this day: French patron saint Joan of Arc (1412), actor Rowan "Mr. Bean" Atkinson (1955), actor Norman Reedus (1969), actress/comedian Kate McKinnon (1984), and original Pink Floyd frontman Syd Barrett (1946)
• "Wheel Of Fortune" debuted on this day in 1975
• Maria Montessori opened her first school in Rome on this day in 1907
• Pan American Airlines became the first commercial airline to offer a round-the-world ticket on this day in 1947
• Lastly, on this day in 2021, Donald Trump supporters attacked the US Capitol in an attempt to disrupt certification of the 2020 presidential election
Before we leave you to your weekend devices, we have an exciting announcement: the tentative return of the Boredwalk Podcast!
Co-founder Matt and I have been wanting to pull this thing out of mothballs for the better part of a year now — as well as put an end to Boredwalk Operations Manager Marlene's persistent pestering to resume recording it — but were thwarted at nearly every turn by the various and sundry tire fires that continually cropped up throughout 2022.
To assist us in this endeavor, I've enlisted Tess from our content creator team to dive back in!
A word of warning: apparently audio recording equipment hates being dormant for really long periods of time, so we had to get creative by recording with an iPhone. Is it the most pristine sound quality? No. But it is full of punk rock passion, and that's what counts! Hopefully Matt can get the mics and cables sorted between now and next week. If not, we'll just be lo-fi AF until he does. We're like the Slanted & Enchanted of podcasts.**
* If you get this reference, you're gonna LOVE our next activity book.

Little known fact: Tad Ghostal loves himself some Pavement.
GIF courtesy of Adult Swim, Hanna-Barbera, and someone called bleecakes, apparently.
OK, that's it for this week! We'll be back here in your inbox on Monday with a fresh email and (maybe) a fresh customer Q&A! If you'd like to be featured in an upcoming email reply to this and let us know!
Peace, love, and setting achievable goals,
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