October 07, 2022
😤 What really should be banned...
The number of books being banned in US libraries and schools has more than doubled in 2022 according the the American Library Association. As you'd expect, this is being driven by far-right political groups who want to prevent kids from learning about topics like racism and sex. Our newest design above reflects what Boredwalk thinks about book banning.
(If you're not into teal shirts, don't worry — this beauty is available on five alternate colors, too, including white and heather grey if you like to keep your sentiments heavy but your wardrobe light. Collect 'em all!)
I don't know about you, but when I was a kid being told not to read something guaranteed I would find a way to read it, and I didn't even have the internet. Let's hope modern kids are just as resourceful and spiteful!

Well this can't be good. I'll allow it, though — I wish Colonel Mittens well in the battle with the laser pointer.
(gif via Reddit)
Want a few October 7th famous birthdays? Here's a few:
• Sex and love advice columnist Dan Savage was born on this day in 1964. In addition to his Savage Love series, Dan and his husband, Terry Miller, began the It Gets Better Project in 2010 to help prevent suicide among LGBTQ youth.
• Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke was born on this day in 1968! He has been described by Rolling Stone as one of the most influential singers of his generation, with Radiohead having sold over 30 million albums.
• R&B singer Toni Braxton was born on this day in 1967! Braxton is one of the best-selling female artists in history, with over 70 million in record sales worldwide and seven Grammy Awards.
• Also born on this day: physicist Niels Bohr (1885), singer/songwriter John Mellencamp (1951), and TV personality Simon Cowell (1959)
OK, that's it for this week! We'll be back here in your inbox on Monday with a fresh email and (hopefully) a fresh customer Q&A. If you'd like to be featured in an upcoming email reply to this and let us know!
Peace, love, and reading,
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